1. You know what "craic" is and that it's not a drug.
2. Everything is either 'brilliant', 'grand', or ‘class’.
3. You know hurling does not mean throwing up.
4. It doesn’t phase you that everyone carries around their own bottle of alcohol.
5. You've said "Cheers!" in place of Thank You.
6. You know the difference between a naggin, a shoulder, and a litre.
7. You learned how to pour the perfect pint of Guinness at The Guinness Storehouse and are now certified to do so.
8. You are an 'official whiskey taster' certified at the Jameson Distillery, but you aren't legal to drink back in the states yet.
9. You find yourself forgetting that you can actually grocery shop past 6:00 at home.
10. You go to Dunne’s with two empty bags with the sun shining and walk back a half mile home with two 10 pound bags in the pouring rain.
11. You suddenly realize you're drinking more hot tea than you've ever had in your life.
12. A three mile walk takes you 10 minutes (walking Irish style).
13. You can't walk barefoot anymore because the kitchen floor is sticky, or has other hazardous objects on it!
14. You know what "garda" is and cross your fingers that they don't show up at your party!
15. You cannot do anything business-related between 12 noon and 1 p.m. because everything is closed for lunch
16. You start to believe that a traffic light is really nothing more than illuminated advertising.
17. You put a pot on the stove to cook then walk away for 20 minutes and when you return to check on it, you realize you forgot to turn the wall switch on or turned on the wrong burner.
18. Half-nine is nine-thirty.
19. You find yourself saying ‘feck’ instead of the other one.
20. You get completely baffled by your friends from home who say that cider would be something girly.
21. You hear the entire country is paralyzed by two inches of snow and could totally see that happening.
22. You've seen Munster winning a rugby game in a crowded pub and you know you won't feel that atmosphere at home.
23. Someone you don’t know is referred to as "yer man" by your Irish friends. [This causes much confusion at first, you think "whose man?"]
24. A toucan balancing a glass of beer on its beak makes perfect sense.
25. You’ve travelled 300 miles with Bus Eireann during 6 hours in one day.
26. You know how to respond if someone asks you, "How are you getting on?"
27. You know the sheep are all color coded.
28. You've rock-climbed in the Burren and actually know what that is.
29. You get Ireland sick at home much more than you got home sick in Ireland.
30. You survived Stab City! (aka Limerick City)
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