Each thing we do, it seems that we're finding ourselves saying this is the last time we'll (insert action or event). Sometimes, even though it is a good and exciting last, such as our last exam, it strikes me in a way that is hard to overcome. I think that seeing my roommates for the last time was the hardest thing that surprised us the most.
It was interesting to see how quickly we fell into a norm here, having a schedule of sorts. Dinner at seven. Friends at eight. Milk Market on Saturdays. Mass five days a week. Indian for dinner once a week. Trips into town on Wednesdays. Skyping on Sundays. Wine on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. The list could go on an on about the things we normally did.
I can't believe the time has come to move on from this in a few days. I'm sure we'll easily fall back into the norm, but for now, it is hard for me to say that I want to go back to the norms of home. I'm sure I'll change my mind once I get there and get to see my family and friends, return to Thomas More, and drive my car. For now though, Phillip and I are continuing our lasts of everything for the next few days, and in the end, we'll have memories that last forever.
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