Wednesday, January 13, 2010

An Ambiguous Inquiry

"Are you excited?" is the ambiguous question of the week.

Don't get me wrong, I want to talk about my upcoming trip to Ireland and my feelings about it. Plus, it is nice to know that family and friends are concerned and excited for me. Yet, at this point, I don't exactly know how to answer that question.

Of course I am excited, but what kind of excited is it?

I remember going to a chastity talk in high school and the speaker said "Is it pizza love or people love?" I feel like this is that kind of situation. Clearly this entire trip is more exciting than any single and exclusive event in my life thus far, but this also is not a vacation; it is going to be my lifestyle for a significant portion of time. By the time I get back from Ireland, I will have spent about 1.61% of my entire life there. [Yes, I did the calculations... no need to make fun.]

While that seems like a small portion, its rather large when you consider the majority of my life has been spent at home not being old enough to do such a thing. Emotions don't just stop at excited for this one. With four days left until departure, the emotions surrounding the trip are difficult to label. I'm not only excited or nervous or anxious, but all of this and more wrapped in one.

So am I excited? Of course. But I'm everything else too.

Regardless of my emotions, this trip is coming whether I'm ready for it or not. With four days are left and counting, I'm all packed and as ready as I'll every be. Taking along the good wishes, care and love from home, I'm off on my own for four months.

To all my family and friends, I leave you with an Irish Blessing:
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
And rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

May you have peace, love, and health until I return May 18th.

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