Most days I forget I'm here. It has become home; I'm often not conscious that it actually isn't. We live here, we have some friends here, we know our way around. We still hear from home frequently, and it all has just become normal for us.
I'm glad school is about over, but I'm not certain that I'm ready to come home yet. Part of it is just the fact that it is a change. I'm going to back to a familiar place, but life has gone on there. Things have changed at Thomas More. My family and friends have continued living, some making big decisions about next year and many graduating college. Not only have their lives moved on, but mine has too.
It makes me wonder how difficult it will be to get back into things once home. They always say that Study Abroad changes you and often, your relationships with others, but for some reason, I thought I'd be the exception. The thing is to remember though is that change isn't a bad thing.
I'm sure I've changed while here, and its probably not even over. With only three-fourths of the trip is complete at this point, it still leaves plenty of time. What is odd about it though is that I'm not entirely sure how I've changed yet. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to pinpoint it completely until I get home and others note it for me.
All of this isn't to say that I won't be thrilled to be home once it comes. Leaving Ireland in a month will certainly be bittersweet, but there is a whole list of things I'm looking forward to returning to. For the time being though, I intend on living out this last month in Ireland fully, spending a week with my family, finishing off school, and certainly travelling.
There are 31 days left and counting...

Whoa - you're way too close to the edge! Thought at first you'd photoshopped the picture but the shadow makes me think not! Great shot!